Buying, selling, renting, investing, and other real estate news — originals & handpicked by Wholesale Realty

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HGTV will take a crack at restoring a beloved American TV icon

“HGTV is the winning bidder on ‘The Brady Bunch House'” Lisa Respers France of CNN writes in an...

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“Breaking News: Home prices Rising… Once Again” – REALTYLEADERSHIP

“According to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller National Home Price NSA Index, home prices have risen for the...

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“With Few Guarantees In The NFL, Johnathan Cyprien Focuses On Another Source of Income — Real Estate” – Forbes

“Investing in real estate to provide a steady stream of income from renters can absolutely be a smart business...

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“Housing prices rise in Jacksonville” – News4Jax

“The median price of a home in the River cost about $187,000. That’s a 10.1% appreciation over one year...

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“Millennials seeking home ownership” – News4JAX

“About 50 percent of millennials in the last two years have bought or refinanced a home or plan to do so in a...

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“Home prices highest ever in Northeast Florida” – Florida Times Union

“Homes in Northeast Florida are selling for more than they ever have, finally topping the pre-recession boom. The...

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“10 US cities where everyone wants to live right now”-Business Insider

Jacksonville named #2 US city in which people seek to live in 2017 according to Business Insider. “To figure out...

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“Landlords listen up: Find the best rental returns here”- CNBC

Great article on the rising rental rates and opportunities for rental property owners! “An increasingly...

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Jacksonville Listed Among the Fastest-Growing Populations

Real estate investment site reports that Jacksonville’s population has increased and will continue...